Discover the treasure trove of free eclectic items at Never Village, near the Neverworld Welcome Center. This charming cobblestone street village simulates a delightful wander through a virtual world, offering a free array of unique and quirky items.
Many of the items are made in Neverworld, with a definite slant towards fantasy/fae/elven and many of the items are created by our talented members.
Just wandering around this charming sim, which was created by our Alba Puca, is relaxing. You may see our tour guide, Giddy Up, a horse-drawn carriage that you are welcome to
secure a ride around the sim.
What makes this shopping sim so appealing is the compact layout of the stores, making it effortless to find items of a particular theme all in one place. You'll find an abundance of gadgets, accessories, and decorations just waiting to be discovered.