Tuesday, 11 March 2025

NWG Blog

Have you ridden Neverworld's Road sims yet? This interwoven area of to...




If you wander through our many sims you may come across a work of love...


Be sure to read this blog by a wonderful friend!! Neverworld by Never...


In Neverworld we strive to build with a purpose and we do love a chall...


In Bountiful Continet you will find Palatial, with very secluded large...




Be sure to drop by the New NWG Welcome Center!  


  Neverworld Grid on Inworld Review - Here:   https://www.youtube.c...



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NWG Blog

Have you ridden Neverworld's Road sims yet? This interwoven area of touring roads prove to be the most challenging yet fun rides in Opensim. Each area is unique but connected and include: Cloudburst Roads - gateway to touring fun and home of the Never Riders. Don't miss the cycle shop for branded accessories. Shadowlands- connected to Cloudburst Shadowlands has some hidden gems including Funtown and a Main Street of shops. Gantl- Change your vehicle to a horse and tour the back trails and surf of our ranch sim. Gold Mountain- Traverse this massive reproduction of the San Francisco landmark, across the bay. Stop for sunset views and toast the sunset with a glass of champagne. Little Willow Bay - Houseboats, and a small business district including a replica of the Sausalito Arts Center. Picturesque. Pelican Harbor- up the road from Little Willow climb the hillsides of Pelican Harbor, with many homes scattered about the hills. A picture-perfect place to ride ... and live. Rouge Vineyards - Never Riders members have created their own versions of the Northern California winery region... here you will find lovely places to sit and have a sip cabernet, and peruse the themed gift shops. Also we have a shop with tps to some very pretty parcels and homes (free to Neverworld members) in the area. Valley of the Moon- Entering the Neverworld National Forest. There are mostly natural areas here with some stunning overlooks of the Gold Mountain Bridge, a diner, and a visitor center. Also, just few parcels for people who love solitude. Rez Zones in Valley of the Moon, Cloudburst and Shaowlands... Join Never Riders Group and you have access to rez on any region.







[12:01] Tig Eberdene: TIG: Good morning. I would like to take this moment to welcome everyone to our Remembrance Day 2024 service here in Georgetown. Please be sure to have sounds on and voice for myself up high enough to hear me well. Some parts I will be doing over voice.


[12:02] Tig Eberdene: If you have music or media on please make sure it is off.

[12:02] Tig Eberdene: This year, we have incorporated the United States Veteran's Day as well. Many people online are not Canadian so I made the decision this year that as neighbours and allies, we will celebrate together.


[12:02] Tig Eberdene: Across Canada, in the United States, and in many other countries, people gather on November 11 to honour the courage and devotion of brave men and women who made the supreme sacrifice of dying for their country.

[12:03] Tig Eberdene: The hostilities of the First World War ceased on November 11, 1918, at 11:00 a.m. the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.

[12:03] Govega Sachertorte: wow

[12:03] Tig Eberdene: The following year they marked the first observance of a day to remember and honour those who died, as well as to give thanks for the sacrifices of those who came back from serving their country.


[12:04] Tig Eberdene: Since then, Canadians have fought in other conflicts and many have given their lives so that we might enjoy freedom today. They too should be remembered.

[12:04] Tig Eberdene: Americans remember this day, Veterans Day, as one of reflection for the staggering loss of life during World War I,  and to salute those currently serving in the Armed Forces of their nation.

[12:05] Tig Eberdene: At a time of rising tensions and conflicts across the globe, we must never forget that in the end those who stand up to tyranny do so at the risk of never returning to see their loved one. No one desires to go to war, but if one must they will put all their energies, talents and souls into  defeating the aggressors, and returning home unscathed.

[12:05] Tig Eberdene: In May 1915, one of Canadian Dr. John McCrae's closest friends and comrades was killed in the trenches near Ypres, Belgium. He was buried in a humble grave with a simple wooden cross.

[12:06] Tig Eberdene: Wild poppies bloomed between the crosses marking the many graves. The next day, unable to help his friend or any of the others who had died, Dr. McCrae gave them a voice through this poem:

[12:06] Tig Eberdene: In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved, and were loved, and now we lie

In Flanders Fields.

[12:07] Tig Eberdene: Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders Fields.

[12:07] Tig Eberdene: On January 28, 1918, John McCrae succumbed to pneumonia and meningitis. He died not knowing the outcome of the war but with a full understanding of the cost of it.

[12:07] Tig Eberdene: Before he died, Dr. McCrae had the satisfaction of knowing that his poem had been a success. Soon after its publication, it became the most popular poem of the First World War.

[12:08] Tig Eberdene: It was transla


ted into many languages and used on billboards advertising the sale of the first Victory 

Loan Bonds in Canada in 1917.

[12:08] Tig Eberdene: In part because of the poem's popularity, the poppy was adopted as the Flower of Remembrance.

[12:08] Tig Eberdene: The symbolic poppy and John McCrae's poems are still linked, and the voices of those who have died in war continue to be heard each Remembrance Day.

[12:09] Tig Eberdene: As we remember the fallen, and those lucky enough to have come home and survived times of war, let us bow our heads. I would ask that you say a silent prayer, in whatever way you wish, to honour all these brave men and women.

[12:11] Tig Eberdene: Last Post- Please observe two minutes of silence

[12:11] skari cheri: beautiful!

[12:11] Govega Sachertorte: wow

[12:13] Tig Eberdene: Act of Remembrance:

     They shall grow not old,

     as we that are left grow old:

     Age shall not weary them,

     nor the years condemn.

     At the going down of the sun

     and in the morning

     We will remember them.

[12:13] Tig Eberdene: As we gather to remember, we will place our wreaths at this cenotaph to honour all of our brave heroes.

[12:13] skari cheri: cool fly by!

[12:14] Tig Eberdene: Our wreath layers will now lay their wreaths at the foot of the cenotaph.

[12:14] Govega Sachertorte: For My Father WWII Vet WIlliam Fischer and Holocaust Survivor RIP

[12:15] Emili Riley: I dedicate this wreath to the memory of my uncle, Lloyd Vanover who fought in Vietnam.

[12:16] Raimy Dakota: I dedicate this wreath to the brave men and women of the American and Canadian Armed Forces. This day is our chance to remember them and remember it was for us, they chose to put themselves in harms way.

[12:17] Tig Eberdene: Dakota please come forward to place your wreath

[12:17] Dakota Steel: I dedicate this wreath in memory of a wonderful man in our family who served bravely in the front lines of WW2 ,always loved,never forgotten

[12:18] Joshua 7: This is dedicated to Judy Deines, Uncle Robert, all Israeli soldiers fighting for peace, and my Lord and Savior, who paid the ultimate price for our freedom.


[12:18] Tig Eberdene: Thank you so much. Wreath bearers you may return to your seats

[12:19] Tig Eberdene: It is my duty, and my honour to encourage all to remember each year at this time all those who sacrificed for our freedom.

[12:19] Tig Eberdene: We have been blessed to live as free people in this world.

[12:19] Tig Eberdene: During these unprecedented times with so much hatred, confusion, wars and threats from one country to another, we are unsure of where these things will lead us.

[12:20] Tig Eberdene: We need to remember that standing together to fight all evil is the only way we can survive.



If you wander through our many sims you may come across a work of love and dedication that has been on Neverworld for many years.  Welcome to MoonCastle Island, a wonderful place to wander and reflect.

(Photography by Roffellos Kisses)

MoonCastle Island 4

This romantic and stunning sim has many levels and places to explore,  beautiful scenery and landscaping anchored by some beautiful builds, several castles, waterfalls, and pools to sit by.

     Mooncastle sits somewhere between reality and fantasy, and time period is definitely some             500 years ago, or earlier. Despite this, Mooncastle seems so real and detailed, it is hard to imagine that it is not a real place. This is artistry.

MoonCastle island 5

Water is a key feature in Mooncastle, as it plays along in rivulets and towering waterfalls, and then ends in quiet pools.

MoonCastle island 6

At the same time, it is very peaceful the sim is also commanding, with jaw-dropping vertical sections of castle walls that you would not want to have to scale to enter!  This is worth a visit and will please the caretakers Diarbe Womylong Autumn Spirit to share their artistry with our residents. 

Diarbe and Autumn also have a webpage about their sim .


MoonCastle island 3

In Neverworld we strive to build with a purpose and we do love a challenge. We had been thinking or tossing around the idea of buiilding something very ancient and we loved the idea of recreating Solomon's Temple   (First Temple). 

So, we set about doing research. The temple measurements were laid out in the bible.   The recreation of the temple is as best as can to fit the measurements. Since we have no photographs or other depictions, alot has to be derived from what we read, and what we know about the time period, circa  520 BCE. 

Haggai-2-Solomon_Temple-Balage-Balogh-1000px (1)



Many depictions of the temple were similar to this illustration by casual english bible.

So, we started with the Temple itself and built out from there.


         To connect our temple to the rest of the continent, we have bridges.               There was not this much vast water, but hey.  It is pretty.









                           Below:  Overview of the sim - it is in fact, a very busy, somewhat crowded and dusty ancient city. 

                                                              Terrain is limestone colored and somewhat hilly.


A typical street in the city.  Notice that there are plaster and stone homes with outside ladder access to the other levels, as well as a stone silo  Foreground you will see clay ovens to the left.



More areas of the city, Not all of the city is paved, poorer areas may have dirt pathways instead of paved roads.








Here is the walled entranceway to the outer temple complex.  A lot of the textures like the wall texture here were custom made for this sim.   A beautiful gold door invites you into the courtyard area .







Below: The inner courtyard of the temple complex.  Here we 

had Hanukah menorah lightings and included anyone who wanted to 

learn about this holiday to come light candles with us and even say the

prayers for the miracle of lights.
















Very solemly now, you enter the temple itself, with a richly appointed antechamber lined with memorahs and gold. Its very sobering and beautiful to walk here.


Entranceway to the Holies of Holies with the Mercy Seat.  


A part of the city that has some buildings that are multi level, and so much more affluent than the area of 

mud and stone single room dwellings. 


A moody sky overlooks the city with copper roofs and the flag of Israel in the breeze.  So if you want to visit, you can hypergrid here to hg.neverworldgrid.com:8002:Solomons Temple.   

There are a few areas available for more biblical depictions.  If anyone is interested in ancient role play, we are ready to populate this place with live action!

