Saturday, 08 February 2025



                                                                                       above: The Prancing Pony by Ares Halostar in Thunder Lands


Description: Role Play Residential

Theme: Hobbit/Elven/Zombies/Vampires

Terrain: No terraforming/dark grass some waterfront/cobblestone roadways.


the RP Store in the Thundersnow Castle

Thunder Lands encloses four of our most popular RP residential areas. Thundersnow, a land of castles and vampires, Jade Bay, with ways to protect your parcel from the nasties and many marauding creatures, Westfarthing, a peaceful and beautiful shire, and Lumshire, land of Elves.  


Step into a themed region with pre-loaded hobbit holes as well as open parcels.  Live in the comfort of a cozy home with other like-minded avatars, without modern conveniences marring your view.   Click a mailbox to rent your parcel.  Please keep in the theme of the area of the region.