Be sure to read this blog by a wonderful friend!!
Neverworld by Neverworlders
Be sure to read this blog by a wonderful friend!! Neverworld by Never...
In Bountiful Continet you will find Palatial, with very secluded large...
Neverworld Grid on Inworld Review - Here:
We have two areas on Cloudburst that have housing for NEVER RIDERS mem...
We are excited to have you vist our newest Bountiful Continent sim, C...
In Neverworld we strive to build with a purpose and we do love a challenge. We had been thinking or tossing around the idea of buiilding something very ancient and we loved the idea of recreating Solomon's Temple (First Temple).
So, we set about doing research. The temple measurements were laid out in the bible. The recreation of the temple is as best as can to fit the measurements. Since we have no photographs or other depictions, alot has to be derived from what we read, and what we know about the time period, circa 520 BCE.
Many depictions of the temple were similar to this illustration by casual english bible.
So, we started with the Temple itself and built out from there.
To connect our temple to the rest of the continent, we have bridges. There was not this much vast water, but hey. It is pretty.
Below: Overview of the sim - it is in fact, a very busy, somewhat crowded and dusty ancient city.
Terrain is limestone colored and somewhat hilly.
A typical street in the city. Notice that there are plaster and stone homes with outside ladder access to the other levels, as well as a stone silo Foreground you will see clay ovens to the left.
More areas of the city, Not all of the city is paved, poorer areas may have dirt pathways instead of paved roads.
Here is the walled entranceway to the outer temple complex. A lot of the textures like the wall texture here were custom made for this sim. A beautiful gold door invites you into the courtyard area .
Below: The inner courtyard of the temple complex. Here we
had Hanukah menorah lightings and included anyone who wanted to
learn about this holiday to come light candles with us and even say the
prayers for the miracle of lights.
Very solemly now, you enter the temple itself, with a richly appointed antechamber lined with memorahs and gold. Its very sobering and beautiful to walk here.
Entranceway to the Holies of Holies with the Mercy Seat.
A part of the city that has some buildings that are multi level, and so much more affluent than the area of
mud and stone single room dwellings.
A moody sky overlooks the city with copper roofs and the flag of Israel in the breeze. So if you want to visit, you can hypergrid here to Temple.
There are a few areas available for more biblical depictions. If anyone is interested in ancient role play, we are ready to populate this place with live action!
Immediate help needed admin level for new avatar help.
You must have knowledge of the different bodies, skins and types used in open sim .
Help to pass information to new comers on how to wear the different types of bodies and skins:
.. BOM, classic, bento, EVOX Have resources for the newcomers Landmarks for shopping housing and events.
THIS IS AN ADMIN LEVEL JOB. PLEASE only apply if you have experience. Thank you.
In Bountiful Continet you will find Palatial, with very secluded large parcels just for our residents.
Included in the parcel rental which is free to our residents is a house rezzer with about a dozen large, villa style homes to choose from.
Most parcels are waterfront or have water access. Water and roadways are connected to the whole Bountiful Continent, over 60 varreregions big. Parcels are designed to be private. Although you will have neighbors on the sim, you will have landscaping that separates any adjoining parcels . Generous prim limts of 5000 enables you to decorate inside and out to your heart's content. You can even buld boat docks if you like. Please note, the sim is residental only so please refrain from commerical builds in this sim.
House rezzer is show below, click on your house choice, and then click on the middle photo to rez. You may move your house after you rez it, or chose another.
And don't forget to click the rent box as shown below to claim your parcel. You must use the Neverworld Rentals group for rezzing rights, and please note the group and the sim is for Neverworld Residents only. If you are not a resident, why not create an account and join us for your forever home in the metaverse.
Below: Villa style home on a parcel in Palatial Estates
Be sure to drop by the New NWG Welcome Center!