Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Public Use Parcels

Do i If you like the sky to be slightly hazy, the clouds a bit old and the buildings a bit rusty with a touch of steam?  Look no further Steam Sky is your place.  We have very large building parcels and an interesting and vibrant town center, with all kinds of means of transport hanging about.   You may fancy a dirigible ride or perhaps visit the famous and muddied Shoe.  If you don't want to build but immerse, maybe suggest the townhouses scattered about.  Please be careful--  avoid the wires and piping, and please enjoy your stay in our Steam Sky.

Be forewarned, you may be inspired to take a balloon ride and wear a very tall hat. Happens around here.


Non-Neverworlders get 2500 prims and Neverworlders get 5000. Not a Neverworlder yet? You must be daft!  Register here : https://neverworldgrid.com/index.php/resident-options/register


And then, visit in-world! 



 This parcel is 10,000 meters.  I hear they give 100 meters in that place another alternate grid.  We are not that other grid. LOL. 

Description: Islands/Waterfront
Theme: Nautical
Terrain: No terraforming/Flat sandy grass/useable water. Attached to Mariners Bay

Description: Residential
Theme: Tropical Island/Water
Terrain: No terraforming/sand and grass/renter retains land

Description: Residential/Commercial
Theme: NAUTICAL/Islands/Light Commerical, Neighborhood
Terrain: No terraforming/dark grass some waterfront

WELCOME TO SUGAR LANDS, which has a little of everything. 

There is a nice neighborhood if you like that, with houses for rent. if you are more of an island person, check out the Sugar Sands island area for a free island rental. There is also a vibrant commercial area of ships and docks. A very real feel in a very wonderful sim.








                                                                                       above: The Prancing Pony by Ares Halostar in Thunder Lands


Description: Role Play Residential

Theme: Hobbit/Elven/Zombies/Vampires

Terrain: No terraforming/dark grass some waterfront/cobblestone roadways.


the RP Store in the Thundersnow Castle

Thunder Lands encloses four of our most popular RP residential areas. Thundersnow, a land of castles and vampires, Jade Bay, with ways to protect your parcel from the nasties and many marauding creatures, Westfarthing, a peaceful and beautiful shire, and Lumshire, land of Elves.  


Step into a themed region with pre-loaded hobbit holes as well as open parcels.  Live in the comfort of a cozy home with other like-minded avatars, without modern conveniences marring your view.   Click a mailbox to rent your parcel.  Please keep in the theme of the area of the region.